Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Lauren Boulanger lboulanger@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4670 Student Financial Assistance
Haden Bourland Not Available 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Rhonda Boyd rboyd@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4579 Delta Music Institute
Gregory Braggs gbraggs@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4803 Communications & Marketing
Elizabeth Branton ebranton@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4666 General Instruction
Jennifer Bronner jbronner@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Talbot Brooks tbrooks@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4520 Geospatial Information Technology
Bridgette Brown bbbrown@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Carley Brown cbrock@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4474 Enrollment Management
Fortrina Brown tlbrown@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Jesse Brown jrbrown@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4720 Art
Jordan Brown jabrown@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4031 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Nicholas Brown Not Available 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Donna Bryant dbspell@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4521 Geospatial Information Technology
Benjamin Bufkin bbufkin@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4425 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Dori Bullock dbullock@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Jerri Burchfield jbrchfld@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4670 Student Financial Assistance
Mallory Burchfield mburchfield@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4665 Foundation
Colin Burress cburress@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4300 Football
Maurice Burton mburton@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Patricia Burton-Barber pbarber@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4268 Nursing
Henri Byrd hbyrd@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4422 Accountancy
Jeffery Cain jcain@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Kendrick Carter kocarter@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds
Leslie Cartlidge lcartlidge@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4908 Center for Community & Economic Dev
Casey Charles cbourgoyne@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4555 Health & Physical Ed & Recreation
Wanda Chouccoli wchouccoli@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4268 Dean of School of Nursing
James Chrestensen jchrestensen@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Jakari Christmas Not Available 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Julie Church jchurch@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4300 Basketball Women
Anthony Ciccariello aciccariello@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4482 Accountancy
Charles Clark docsoman@gmail.com 662-846-4522 Geospatial Information Technology
Pace Clark pclark@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4300 Swimming
Torri Clay tclay@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4482 Math and Sciences
Thomas Clinger tclinger@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4521 Accountancy
David Cobb wcobb@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4670 Student Financial Assistance
Timothy Colbert tcolbert@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4555 Health & Physical Ed & Recreation
Claire Cole ccole@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4000 Office of the President
Claire Cole ccole@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4000 Office of the President
James Cole lcole@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4705 Foundation
Judith Coleman jccoleman@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4060 Languages & Literature
Pamela Collier pcollier@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Brandy Collins bcollins@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4442 Instructional Resources
Mikhail Collins mcollins@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4021 University Accounting
Riley Collins Not Available 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Shelley Collins scollins@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4617 Music
Denisha Cook ddcook@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4347 General Library
Lisa Cooley lcooley@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4234 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Todd Cooley tcooley@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4300 Football
Maria Correa mcorrea@yilunjianshe.com 662-846-4410 Field Experience